My Screenplays

The Visitation

PG-13 High Concept political thriller – Feature

Logline: When five corrupt, high profile people in the United States suddenly die mysterious deaths on the same night, an angel appears before the U.S. Deputy Attorney General to warn of God’s judgment upon America that will increase exponentially until justice has been meted out fairly again in the land.

A Future Rewritten

PG Low-budget drama – Feature

Logline: A sole provider husband and father who has been working on a career as a novelist for many years gets his first big break with a large publisher, then dies, leaving a financially-challenged wife left to somehow survive.

Treasure of Love

PG Coming-of-age-Feature.

Inspired by the life of Grammy Nominee, Lou Stallman, America’s most versatile hit songwriter. This property is currently under a shopping agreement with an agent.

Logline: When a talented 15-year-old girl who lives in a New York City apartment with her single mom and brother struggles to write a song about a boy she likes, she discovers that the grouchy old man who lives below her was once a famous songwriter and a friendship develops that culminates in a music career for the girl.

Black Buster

PG-13 low to mid-budget Western-Feature.

Logline: In 1840s Texas, a black, bronco-busting slave who is left for dead after his brother is ruthlessly killed by their white master finds himself in possession of two of the first 5-shot Colt revolvers in a world of single shot weapons and embarks on a trail of revenge.

Death Code

PG High Concept TV Pilot for a One-Hour drama-action-thriller.

This was developed for TV with the help of a veteran TV writer and producer.

Logline: When a former black ops husband and wife team come into possession of a rare genetic code that can predict when a person will die they must fight against those who want to use it for nefarious purposes.

Isolated Threat

PG-13 low to mid-budget action-thriller-Feature.

Logline: When terrorists seize their small town, a small band of retired military vets must take matters into their own hands to stop their plans to annihilate several major U.S. cities with a nuclear ballistic missile.

Picture Imperfect

PG Romantic comedy-Feature.

Logline: When an egocentric personal image guru meets a girl who seems to good to be true he goes on a covert mission to find her flaws not knowing she has recently left the nunnery for worldly romance.


PG-13 mid to high budget action-adventure-Feature.

This script was developed with a veteran script consultant and developer and has received high praise from some big names in the industry.

Logline: When an evil regime kidnaps his father, his teenage son must use their advanced prototype aircraft that can maneuver like a housefly to rescue him and stop the regime before it goes on a world-dominating rampage.

Dog King

PG to PG-13 mid budget, animated-fantasy-adventure-Feature

Logline: When an heir to his father’s throne is deposed by his evil brother, he must use wild dogs to regain it in time to fight off a barbarian army that threatens to destroy the kingdom.

North Pole

PG mid-budget holiday-fantasy-adventure-Feature

Based upon my book The Secret of the North Pole, this was my first script with some alterations from the book that attracted the attention of a Hollywood professional that led to my career in screenwriting.

Logline: In the style of Indiana Jones, a boy and his eccentric grandfather discover Prince Nicholas and ancient time-altering machinery in a hidden valley at the North Pole.

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