About Lorne Dey

I consider myself to be a modern-day thinker to whom God has also given a vivid imagination along with the ability to effectively and creatively express what I imagine in words. I began taking writing seriously relatively late in life at age 50. I enjoy creating both non-fiction books as well as family-oriented action-adventure stories that end up taking either the form of a novel or screenplay. I currently reside, along with my wife and two grown and married children, in beautiful Colorado.

My Latest Fiction

Set during World War Two, 10-year-old William Galant along with his eccentric and inventive grandfather set out across the wilds of North America in a World War One bi-plane in search of Paul Galant, father to William and son of “Gramps.” The two unlikely companions encounter many things in their journey across the frozen tundra’s of the North: both harrowing escapes and wonderful new friends. Their mission ends in one of the most fantastic places on earth, a secret valley under the polar ice cap at the North Pole. The secret they find there almost defies the imagination and William discovers more than he ever thought possible.

Click here to purchase The Secret of the North Pole on Amazon.

My Latest Non-Fiction

In 2020, the world as we know it changed forever. The “novel” coronavirus showed how readily the vast majority of people were willing to comply with government mandates despite little or no evidence that any of the measures taken would work to slow the spread of an alleged new virus. Bureaucrats in almost every developed nation foisted upon their populations draconian decrees in the name of saving lives. But was this alleged pandemic worth the destruction left in its wake? Examine how the COVID pandemic began and what it turned into.

Click here to purchase The Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020 on Kobo.

More Fiction

With little warning, many of the world’s volcanoes suddenly and simultaneously begin spewing smoke and ash into the atmosphere. The unprecedented event foretells a worldwide catastrophe, but what happens next, confounds the nations of the world. In a matter of days, the militaries of the major powers are all but defeated by an enigmatic enemy that seems to be invincible and whose origins are unknown. Enter Nathan Perry, a lowly assistant to the under secretary of U.S. Homeland Security. Perry, along with the beautiful vulcanologist, Dr. Keeley Sage, follows a path that eventually leads to the fantastic lair of this previously unknown global enemy and is instrumental in evening the odds for the ultimate survival of the human race. Click here to purchase Battle for Surface Earth on Amazon

More Non-Fiction

The Great Delusion by Lorne Dey

The Great Delusion is my latest offering in non-fiction. The synopsis is: We live in a violent world filled with evil and people who appear to be driven by evil intents. The Great Delusion demonstrates that there are invisible, malevolent forces at work that continually prey upon people and attempt to manipulate them for the purpose of destroying them, both physically and spiritually. The Great Delusion explores how this has been done down through the ages and how to avoid being one of the manipulated in the modern world.

Click Here to purchase The Great Delusion on Amazon.

A Swift Kickin the Pants by Lorne Dey

Get Instant Motivation and Encouragement to go after what you were made to do in life! What if you could live your dream? Would your life be different or better? Well imagine yourself living your dream because in A Swift Kick in the Pants I tell you how I motivated myself to go after my dream so that you can do it too. Learn motivational secrets from someone who has identified his own dreams and has achieved many of them. A Swift Kick in the Pants is like having your own personal mentor to help you identify your hidden talents then energize you and give you compelling reasons to go after that dream of yours that you have always put off. The world may be yearning for what you have to achieve in life and the time to begin your own adventure is now! Click here to purchase A Swift Kick in the Pants on Amazon.

My First Book

America's War on God by Lorne Dey

Imagine living in an America that has been turned into a third-world dictatorship or a soviet-style police state. Or even worse––Imagine an America that has been decimated by a foreign invader, nuclear war, disease, famine, or any number of other horrible catastrophes. In this important book, I demonstrate how these kinds of fears are not just fantasy any longer because by abandoning America’s Judeo-Christian roots upon which the United States was founded, we are fast exposing ourselves to national calamity or even annihilation. Unless the hearts and minds of Americans are changed, America will be destined for the ash heap of history. Find out how you can be instrumental in keeping the unthinkable from happening. Click here to purchase America’s War on God on Amazon.

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